IPFS Upload
Let's upload our files to IPFS.
We will follow the following steps:
- Create an NFT.Storage account.
- Upload files and directories
- You can use the desktop app NFTUp
- Or, you can use the javascript library as we will use below.
- Get the NFT Storage Token from the dashboard. We are going to be needing this.
Let's start writing some code.
npm install nft.storage --save
import { NFTStorage } from "nft.storage";
You can get your IPFS_TOKEN from the NFT.Storage dashboard.
var storage = await new NFTStorage({ token: IPFS_TOKEN });
Upload File
If you face issues with using the NFTStorage SDK because of data format, try using the NFTStorage HTTP endpoint
- NodeJs
- ReactJs
import fs from "fs";
// Read File
const file = fs.readFileSync(filepath);
// Create a blob of the file.
let blob = new Blob([file]);
// Upload to IPFS and get the cid
const cid = await storage.storeBlob(blob);
console.log("cid:", cid);
// Create a blob of the file.
let blob = new Blob([<YOUR-IMAGE-FILE>]);
// Upload to IPFS and get the cid
const cid = await storage.storeBlob(blob);
console.log('cid:', cid);
Now, we got our cid. We can form it into an object as such:
"assetType": "image",
"cid": cid
Upload Directory
We can also upload entire directory to IPFS. To do so, get the absolute directory path as dirpath
and follow the code snippet below:
import { filesFromPath } from "files-from-path";
// Read all files in the directory path
const files = filesFromPath(dirpath, {
pathPrefix: path.resolve(dirpath),
hidden: true,
// Upload Directory to IPFS and get the cid of the directory.
let cidDir = await storage.storeDirectory(files);
You can always check the status and files uploaded using your token from the nft.storage dashboard.