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Get NFT Information

This function is used to get the nft information for dripverse protocol.


No pre-requisute is required for this function.

Searching NFTs​

  • You can query a getNft by nftId

You can query getNft by nftId with making a filter object as follows:

let filter = {
nftId: 1,

And then call the getNft function with the above filter.

const nft = await drip.getNft(filter);

You will get the nft information after the successful call of function, e.g

id: 1,
name: 'Into the Sea',
description: "A young women looking into the sea, for just all over there's horizon.",
asset: ' - 77204 flyable_heart itou_noiji shirasagi_mayuri.jpg',
linkTo: '',
properties: { attributes: [Array] },
supply: 1,