ERC-20 is a standard or guideline for creating new tokens. The standard defines six mandatory functions that a smart contract should implement and three optional ones.
The mandatory functions are listed below with explanations.
- totalSupply: A method that defines the total supply of your tokens; when this limit is reached, the smart contract will refuse to create new tokens.
- balanceOf: A method that returns the number of tokens a wallet address has.
- transfer: A method that takes a certain amount of tokens from the total supply and gives it to a user.
- transferFrom: Another type of transfer method that is used to transfer tokens between users.
- approve: This method verifies whether a smart contract is allowed to allocate a certain amount of tokens to a user, considering the total supply.
- allowance: This method is exactly the same as the approved method except that it checks if one user has enough balance to send a certain amount of tokens to another.
Besides the mandatory functions listed below, functions are optional, but they improve the token's usability.
- name: A method that returns the name of the token.
- symbol: A method that returns the symbol of the token.
- decimals: A method that returns the number of decimals the token uses. It is used to define the smallest unit of the token. For example, if an ERC-20 token has a decimals value of 6, this means that the token can be divided up to six decimal places.
Create Your Own ERC20 Token
let tokenData = {
name: "TokenName",
symbol: "SYMBOL",
decimals: 18,
networkId: networkId,
metadata: {
init: [
"TokenName", // name
"SYMBOL", // symbol
18, // decimals
1000000000, // premint on owner address
let tokenRes = await drip.newToken(tokenData, walletClient, 133);
If everything works, you should get a response like:
"id": 2,
"contractId": 135,
"address": "0x9a6Ba35fa428d87f8ae336240482188643CEF2d9"