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Mint NFT

This is a guide used to mint a new NFT.

Upload to IPFS​

First, you need to upload file to IPFS. You'll get a cid, like: bafybeifhadklgjjfdxx2nvomyrhjsobhbxeenwc5bheftcetcyqz4yywim.

We would also need the following, to define a name and description to your NFT.

let mintData = {
name: "Test NFT",
description: "Test NFTs",
networkId: networkId, // optional. Default 3 -> Polygon PoS Mainnet
userAccount: process.env.ACCOUNT, // The owner address of the NFT.
metadata: {}, // Contents of metadata is configurable.
collectionId: 1, // Collection to which you want to mint the NFT in. If not provided, it'll mint in a default collection. Available in v1.x.x onwards only.
contractId: 20, // Contract ID to which you want to mint the NFT in. If not provided, it'll mint in a default contract. If collection id is provided, this option won't be necessary. Collections are synomous to on-chain contract.

Make a JSON Object with following details. Your object can be an image or an entire metadata.json.

let cid = "bafyreieha6jqtnu4f4njyaovknxyyxeurkcsopcryrggxkt7hcbi5zmwzi";
Get Contract Signer

Make sure you've contractSigner object before proceeding.


Now to mint you new NFT, simply call

let mintResponse = await, cid, contractSigner);

You should get an output indicating the nftId. The mintResponse above should give a response as follows:

id: 28,
transactionHash: '0x6ce955757434a4a055888e96c5d3fc102d372528b73b17d3138ac91bc53aad6f',
tokenId: 41